quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2017

Configurar Local DB SQL Server

Para podermos configurar uma base de dados local do Sql Server, criado por exemplo através do Visual Studio, podemos usar o comando sqllocaldb conforme as opções abaixo

C:\Windows\System32\>sqllocaldb /?
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Express LocalDB Command Line Tool
Version 13.0.1601.5
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Usage: SqlLocalDB operation [parameters...]
    Prints this information
create|c ["instance name" [version-number] [-s]]
    Creates a new LocalDB instance with a specified name and version
    If the [version-number] parameter is omitted, it defaults to the
    latest LocalDB version installed in the system.
    -s starts the new LocalDB instance after it's created
delete|d ["instance name"]
    Deletes the LocalDB instance with the specified name
start|s ["instance name"]
    Starts the LocalDB instance with the specified name
stop|p ["instance name" [-i|-k]]
    Stops the LocalDB instance with the specified name,
    after current queries finish
-i request LocalDB instance shutdown with NOWAIT option
-k kills LocalDB instance process without contacting it
share|h ["owner SID or account"] "private name" "shared name"
    Shares the specified private instance using the specified shared name.
    If the user SID or account name is omitted, it defaults to current user.
unshare|u ["shared name"]
    Stops the sharing of the specified shared LocalDB instance.
    Lists all existing LocalDB instances owned by the current user
    and all shared LocalDB instances.
info|i "instance name"
    Prints the information about the specified LocalDB instance.
    Lists all LocalDB versions installed on the computer.
trace|t on|off
    Turns tracing on and off
SqlLocalDB treats spaces as delimiters. It is necessary to surround
instance names that contain spaces and special characters with quotes.
For example:
   SqlLocalDB create "My LocalDB Instance"
The instance name can sometimes be omitted, as indicated above, or
specified as "". In this case, the reference is to the default LocalDB
instance "MSSQLLocalDB".

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