sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013


usage:  onmode [-abBCCcDdFIjklMmnOpQRrSsuWYyZz] |
               [-wf <onconfig parameter>=<value>] |
               [-wm <onconfig parameter>=<value>]
      -a <kbytes>    Increase shared memory segment size.
      -b <version>   Revert Dynamic Server disk structures.
      -BC [1|2]  Change server large chunk mode
      -c [block | unblock]   Do Checkpoint. Block or unblock server.
      -C {start <count>|stop <count>|threshold <size>|
          duration <seconds>|rangesize <size>|alice <mode>|
          compression <low|med|high|default>} Tune B-tree scanner.
      -D   <max PDQ priority allowed>
      -d   {standard|{primary|secondary <servername>}} set DR server type
           DR secondary only:
           {idxauto {on|off}} set DR automatic index repair mode
           {index <database>:[owner.]<tablename>#<indexname>} DR repair index
           {add RSS <servername> <optional password>} add RSS server
           {change RSS <servername> <password>} change RSS server password
           {delete RSS <servername>} remove RSS server  definition
           {RSS <source Node> <optional password>} set RSS server type
           {set SDS primary <alias> [force]} define SDS primary server alias
           {clear SDS primary <alias> [force]} remove SDS primary server alias
           {make primary <alias> [force]} make server into the MACH11 primary
      -e {on|off|enable|flush} configure or flush shared statement cache.
      -F   Free unused memory segments
      -I   stop verbose error trapping
      -I <iserrno> [<session ID>]   trap specified error for session ID
      -j   Change to single-user mode
      -k   Shutdown completely
      -l   Force to next logical log
      -M   <decision support memory in kbytes>
      -m   Go to multi-user on-line
      -n   Set shared memory buffer cache to non-resident
      -O   Override space down blocking a checkpoint
      -p <+-#> <class>   Start up or remove virtual processors of
           a specific class
      -Q   <max # decision support queries>
      -R   Rebuild the /INFORMIXDIR/etc/.infos.DBSERVERNAME file
      -r   Set shared memory buffer cache to resident
      -S   <max # decision support scans>
      -s   Change to quiescent mode
      -u   Change to quiescent mode and kill all attached sessions
      -W   {STMT_CACHE_NOLIMIT {0|1} | STMT_CACHE_HITS <#>}   Sets ssc
      -wf <onconfig parameter>=<value>   Update the value
          of the specified configuration parameter and save
          the new value to the onconfig file.
      -wm <onconfig parameter>=<value>   Update the value of
          the specified configuration parameter without saving
          the new value to the onconfig file. The new value is
          written to server memory only and will not be retained
          once the server is restarted.
      -y   Do not require confirmation
      -Y <sid> <0|1|2> [filename] Set or unset dynamic explain
            0=off  1=plan + statistics on  2=only plan on
            filename is a valid argument only when setting the
            dynamic explain or dynamic explain statistics on
      -Z <address> heuristically complete specified transaction
      -z <sid>   Kill specified session id

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