quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2020

Error Rapid recover - CBT is not currently enabled


Exception chain:
  • 'Server' validation has failed. CBT is not currently enabled. This feature will be enabled during the protection process, all ESXi snapshots will be removed. Protection is not allowed.
  • One or more errors occurred.


To enable or disable CBT on a virtual machine, perform the appropriate steps given for enabling or disabling: 

Note: Ensure that the virtual machine is powered off before performing these steps.
To enable CBT in a virtual machine:

1. Power off the virtual machine.
2. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
3. Click the Options tab.
4. Click General under the Advanced section and then click Configuration Parameters. The Configuration Parameters dialog opens.
5. Click Add Row.
6. Add the ctkEnabled parameter and then set its value to true.
7. Click Add Row, add scsi0:0.ctkEnabled, and set its value to true.
Note: scsi0:0 in scsi0:0.ctkEnabled indicates the SCSI device assigned to the hard disk that is added to the virtual machine. Every hard disk added to the virtual machine is given a SCSI device that appears similar to scsi0:0, scsi0:1, or scsi 1:1. CBT is enabled (or disabled) individually on each disk.

8. Power on the virtual machine.
9. In the home directory of the virtual machine, verify that each disk having CBT enabled has also a vmname-ctk.vmdk file.